Almond can stop hair fall
Almond can stop hair fall

Dull, dry and light hair work to make your personality weak. The same beautiful and long hair makes your personality even stronger. But nowadays, due to the lack of nutrient, hair falls. But if you keep a note of some things, then your hair can be saved from the fall.

1-whole grain contains nutrients such as zinc, vitamin B and iron which conduct hormones in the hair. If you regularly consume these foods, you can save your baby from falling.

2- To stop the fall of hair, mix almond milk with almond oil and apply it on the hair roots and massage it with a light hand. By doing so your forces are long, strong and dense.

3- Increasing pollution also causes hair to fall. For this, place 1 egg yellow in your hair. Eggs are rich in lecithin, protein, amino acids, vitamins A, D, E and minerals, which keep hair healthy. Including egg in your daily diet also benefits Read more:

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