Aluminium industry calls for non-imposition of anti-dumping duty on Caustic Soda import
Aluminium industry calls for non-imposition of anti-dumping duty on Caustic Soda import

NEW DELHI: The Aluminium Association of India (AAI) has urged the Finance Ministry not to impose anti-dumping duties on Caustic Soda imported from Japan, Iran, Qatar, and Oman, which are all friendly nations.

In a letter to Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, the Association stated that no anti-dumping tax should be levied because of the existing tariff and non-tariff obstacles on Caustic Soda imports, and because it is in the best interests of the Indian Aluminium Industry.

"At this point, with the economy recovering and post-pandemic industrial activity resuming, any further restrictions on one of the major raw materials for aluminium will jeopardise the Indian Aluminium industry's economic viability, potentially leading to the closure of operations and affecting the overall economy. Any new tariffs will be detrimental to the Aluminium industry's long-term viability and cost competitiveness since, unlike other industries, it is unable to pass on the cost increases to end consumers because worldwide Aluminium prices are set by the London Metal Exchange "said the association

According to the AAI, caustic soda imports are already restricted in India due to a range of tariff and non-tariff restrictions, including the requirement to use the Standard Mark under a licence from the Bureau of Indian Standards and conformance to BIS Standards.

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