Will the Third World War begin? US ready intervene into war against Russia
Will the Third World War begin? US ready intervene into war against Russia

New Delhi: Amidst the Russo-Ukraine war, a news is coming out that has worried the whole world. If Russia uses nuclear weapons against Ukraine, the US is also preparing to enter the battlefield. According to the Kiev Independent report, quoting the 'New York Times', the United States has prepared a contingency plan if Russia uses chemical, biological or nuclear weapons against Ukraine.

According to officials involved in the process, a team of national security officials, known as the 'Tiger Team', is considering a response. He says the US will be ready to respond if Russia attacks convoys in NATO areas and lands these weapons in Ukraine. On March 24, the leaders of all nato member countries are going to meet. This subject can be discussed in that meeting.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Wednesday that Russia had committed war crimes against Ukraine and the Biden administration would work with others to prosecute the perpetrators. In a statement, Blinken said, "Today, based on the information available, I can declare that the U.S. government has assessed that members of the Russian force have committed war crimes in Ukraine." He is travelling with President Joe Biden to Brussels to attend an emergency summit of NATO leaders.''

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