America deployed creepy weapons due to increasing tension with Iran
America deployed creepy weapons due to increasing tension with Iran

The US has added a new weapon to its nuclear stock due to increasing tension with Iran. The low-capacity W-76-2 nuclear bomb is deployed on submarines with long-range missiles.

For your information, tell us tell you that this is the first weapon included in the US strategic nuclear stockpile in the last several decades. It is being considered a farewell to the Obama administration's policy of reducing dependence on lethal weapons towards freeing the world from nuclear weapons.

W 76-2 has been deployed only in view of President Donald Trump's interest in nuclear weapons. Confirming the deployment of the new weapon, a senior US Department of Defense official said, "This will make American citizens more secure as it will reduce the possibility of nuclear war." But some opposition Democratic leaders criticized the move, saying it could increase the risk of war. According to sources, its deployment was launched from the USS Tennessee in the Atlantic Ocean in the last week of December last. Will maintain This new weapon will be helpful in preventing Russia from carrying out a limited nuclear war.

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