American player Drew Brees says "Will never agree with players kneeling during National Anthem"
American player Drew Brees says

New Delhi: Drew Brees, in an interview with Yahoo Finance's Daniel Roberts, has revealed why he did not support the kneeling during the national anthem? When the NFL season began to spark condemnation from the entire sporting world with Wizards guard Troy Brown and Ravens Mark going back. Breeze states in the interview that, "I would never agree with anyone disrespecting the flag of the United States or our country".

He said "Is everything okay with our country right now? No, it is not. We still have a long way to go. But I think that when you stand there and put your hand on your heart, respect the flag." If we do, it shows unity. It shows that we are all in this together, we can all do better and we are all part of the solution. "

His words in a Yahoo interview came at a time when the NFL and many outsides of it were pointing to a protest against Colin Kaepernick, which began in 2016. Like a Minneapolis police officer to draw attention to the vandalism of the police, who held and kneaded George Floyd's neck for more than eight minutes, sparking massive protests and unrest across the country.

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