Anand Mahindra tweets shocking 'Jugaad' video
Anand Mahindra tweets shocking 'Jugaad' video

Business tycoon Anand Mahindra has shared a shocking video of 'Indian Jugaad'. Many people have been surprised to see this. Because this jugaad is also putting the lives of people at risk! Have you ever seen that in order to unload the goods loaded on the car, humans make it into a tipper truck with the help of their hands. This time Mahindra says that it is the cheapest tipper truck, which can prove to be dangerous. However, many people are praising him by watching the video. 

Mahindra wrote in the caption of this video, "Got this random video today. Crazy. They’ve made this the cheapest possible tipper truck. Violates all safety& loading regulations. Hugely unsafe for those holding the truck up. Yet I marvel at how our people persevere & manage without resources." This video has got more than 67 thousand views and more than 5 thousand likes so far.

In this video, it is clearly seen that a truck is loaded with wooden sticks. Instead of unloading them one by one, people convert zip into a tipper truck. Three men lift the jeep from the front. This causes the jeep to lean backwards with the load of wood and then the driver slowly pushes the jeep forward. With this, all the wood falls on the ground. This video is surprising people. Because in terms of security it is quite dangerous.

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