Andhra Pradesh: The state transport department on Thursday issued an order for RTC employees. Under the order the state government has paved the way for payment of terminal benefits to those retiring after January 1, 2020, and payment of leave encashment and gratuity. This special account head allotted for government employees has been implemented by the state government for the first time for RTC employees. Along with this leave encashment and payment of gratuity is done directly through CFMS. Andhra Pradesh government has given good news for RTC employees resigning on various grounds.
With the merger of RTC with the government, the company has given this opportunity to its employees. The government has already raised the retirement age of RTC employees to 60 years and provided accident insurance, life insurance facilities as well as health insurance scheme to RTC employees at par with government employees. It has been decided to provide free training to the wards of employees for competitive examinations.
Reflecting on the issue of compassionate appointments, RTC MD Dwaraka Tirumala Rao said that he is happy that the state government is taking revolutionary decisions for the benefit of RTC employees. Rashtriya Mazdoor Sangh AP President PV Ramana Reddy and General Secretary Y Srinivasa Rao said in a statement that the government has given good news to RTC employees on Vinayak Chaviti. He said that promotion will also be done in RTC by the end of the month. He thanked CM Jagan Mohan Reddy for issuing the order as per his request.