Apple CEO Tim Cook Praises Vision Pro's Entertainment and Sports Viewing Experience
Apple CEO Tim Cook Praises Vision Pro's Entertainment and Sports Viewing Experience

Apple Vision Pro: Revolutionizing Entertainment and Sports Viewing: Apple's Vision Pro, introduced in 2023, has recently become available in the UK. Apple CEO Tim Cook, in an interview with The Sun's Sean Keach, shared his enthusiasm for the mixed reality headset, emphasizing its remarkable entertainment capabilities and his personal daily use of the device.

Tim Cook on Vision Pro's Entertainment Experience

Cook highlighted the impressive entertainment experience the Vision Pro offers. He shared, "I began to use it to screen entertainment. I watched the third season of Ted Lasso on the Vision Pro. I just screened a new show – that's coming out this week – last night on Vision Pro." He praised the device's versatility, allowing him to enjoy shows even while lying flat with the screen projected onto the ceiling. "It's a 100ft screen. The level of entertainment it delivers is amazing," he added.

Viewing Spatial Photos and Videos on Vision Pro

Cook described the emotional impact of viewing spatial photos and videos on the Vision Pro. "It's an emotional experience…because when you begin to experience your photographs in the Vision Pro, it's almost like you're there again," he explained. He noted how family photos come to life, making users feel as if they are reliving significant moments, such as birthday parties or other major events.

Sports Viewing on Vision Pro

Discussing sports viewing, Cook remarked that the Vision Pro exceeds expectations. "Some people thought it would be like sitting courtside, which would be incredibly special because most of us don't sit courtside at a game," he said. "But it's better than that. It's almost as if you're on the court, and you're face to face with the players. It feels like you are there. You're face to face with the net."

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