Arab League welcomes UN's involvement in Sudan's political transition
Arab League welcomes UN's involvement in Sudan's political transition

The Arab League (AL) has welcomed the UN's decision that it will engage with Sudanese parties to ease political transition and resolve issues arising from the prime minister's resignation last week.

The AL reiterated in a statement the urgency of addressing all causes of political, social, and economic instability in Sudan. "The pan-Arab body is eager to fully cooperate with the UN in order to create a consensus that would let Sudanese aspirations for peace, stability, prosperity, and democracy be realised," the statement said.

The United Nations has earlier stated that it will undertake negotiations in Sudan in order to save a democratic transition. In a statement, Volker Perthes, the UN Secretary-Special General's Representative for Sudan, said the UN-facilitated political process will seek a "sustainable route ahead towards democracy and peace" in the nation.

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