Army chief Narwane on India-China dispute, 'Withdrawal of forces is beneficial for both'
Army chief Narwane on India-China dispute, 'Withdrawal of forces is beneficial for both'

New Delhi: Indian Army Chief General MM Narwane has said that the withdrawal of the forces of India and China from the northern and southern banks of Paigong Lake has been a great result and it is a beneficial situation for both sides. He has emphasized that there is still a long way to go and the next step is to reduce the deadlock.

The army chief has said that there were no signs of collusion between China and Pakistan during the Ladakh standoff, but India has a far-reaching plan for not only two but two and a half front. He was referring to half-front for internal security. He has said that from the beginning of the confrontation, all sides have worked together on behalf of India. Army Chief Narwane has said in a webinar organized by the Vivekananda International Foundation that a strategy has also been chalked out to resolve other issues pending in East Ladakh.

The Chief of Army Staff has said that the process of retreat of soldiers has started, but there is a lack of trust. The process of withdrawing troops started on 10 February. They have said that whatever we are doing, we are doing it cautiously. We have to be careful. There is a lack of trust. Till trust is built, we will definitely have to stay alert and watch every activity on both sides of the LAC. Narwane has said that we still have a long way to go. We have to move towards reducing stress. Further steps will be taken after this.

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