New Delhi: A shocking incident unfolded in Rajouri district of Jammu and Kashmir on Thursday night as a Major-ranked Army officer unleashed gunfire and hurled grenades at his fellow officers and subordinates, resulting in injuries to at least five individuals, including two officers. This incident bears an eerie resemblance to a tragic event six months ago when four soldiers lost their lives in an attack by a fellow soldier at an officers' quarters in the Bathinda military station. While official confirmation from the Army is still pending, credible media reports indicate that the implicated officer has been apprehended. Here's what we currently understand about the situation:
The unsettling incident occurred within the confines of the Indian Army's 48 Rashtriya Rifles unit camp located in Dara, near Thanamandi in J&K's Rajouri district.
A minimum of five individuals, including two officers, sustained injuries, and all have been promptly transported to a nearby Army hospital for medical care.
The accused in this harrowing episode has been identified as a Major with a decade of dedicated service. Reportedly, he was subdued by fellow soldiers following the violent outburst.
The accused officer indiscriminately discharged his weapon for an extended period near the camp's ammunition depot and even threw grenades at those who attempted to approach him.
This incident marks a grim milestone as the first of its kind involving a Major-ranked officer.
Late on Thursday night, the Nagrota-based White Knight Corps (XVI Corps) initially reported only one officer injured, attributing it to a "likely grenade accident."
Several media outlets, citing undisclosed sources, suggest that the accused officer was grappling with "personal issues." However, there has been no official communication from the Army regarding this matter.
Lieutenant General Sandeep Jain, the General Officer Commanding (GOC) of 16 Corps, visited the scene of the incident during the night.
It is worth noting that this region has already experienced two major terror attacks earlier this year, with five jawans losing their lives and one officer sustaining injuries in an attack in Rajouri's Kandi forest area in May.
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