Asia Junior Chess Championship: Indian and Mangolian champs take title
Asia Junior Chess Championship: Indian and Mangolian champs take title

On wednesday, Asian Junior Chess Championship was held in New Delhi. In the open category of the same championship, Indian champ Aravindh Chithambaram emerged as the winner. After defeating Nima Javanbakht of Iran, Chithambaram catched up with S L Narayanan. It became a tie between the players at 7 points but direct encounter tie-break helped Chithambaram to take up the title, while Naryanan had to be satisfied with the runner-up position.

Naryanan won the gold medal while Arjun Kalyan and Chithambaram secured silver and bronze medals respectively.

Mongolia's Uurinntuya Uurtsaikh took the title in the girls section. It was a clear victory against top seed R Vaishali as Nandhidhaa P V finished runner-up after defeating overnight joint leader K Priyanka.

Ivana Maria Furtado won the bronze medal by securing final round win over Bala Kannamma P thus taking Vaishali's opportunity to find a place on the podium. Vaishali secured the yellow metal in girl's category, while Varshini finished second and Kannamma won bronze.

The prizes were distributed by Deputy chief minister of Delhi, Manish Sisodia.

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