Australia is suffering from bushfire smoke, Study shows it dangerous as large Volcano eruption
Australia is suffering from bushfire smoke, Study shows it dangerous as large Volcano eruption

As we all know that in Year 2019 and 2020 a huge bushfires that ravaged Australia spark up. In this bushfire too much smoke release into the stratosphere as a large volcanic eruption. As per the leading Journal, All this got so much serious and in current time it is also have serious consequences for the environment. If believe on to its reports, its says that the stratosphere is the second layer of the atmosphere, right above the troposphere, that human lives.

For your information let us share that the amount of smoke released into the atmosphere by the fires is comparable to that put out by the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines in 1991, which was the second-largest of the 20th century. People around that area claimed that they have never saw such an injection (of smoke) to the stratosphere.

However here it is to be noted the smoke was able to billow so high is crucial to understanding its environmental impact: Usually, such smoke might only stay in the lower part of the atmosphere for a few days or weeks. It is expected that The winds are stronger up there, allowing the smoke to be dispersed farther and faster than might otherwise be possible.

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