Helmet is very important when driving two-wheeler. There is a large range of helmets in the market. In such a situation, it is very important to know what helmet should be according to your head. Here are 5 things to choose a better helmet.
Helmets should not be tight. The helmet should not slide easily over the head at once. Its inner padding should be on the head. This pressure should not be disturbing.
If you like the helmet, try to shake the head up and down, right and left, if it is leaving its place then it is not right. The helmet should not leave the head with any movement.
While taking the helmet, try to remove the inner padding of the chosen model so that you can wash them. Now there is a German resistant padding. The Breath Guard and Chin Curtain feature are also available, which are also beneficial.
The size and shape of the helmet should be according to the face. If the helmet is large, it will fall out of a collision or shock. While choosing the shape, keep in mind that the area from one ear to the other and the neck to the forehead should be covered. Also, choose the size, because the size of each helmet is different.
The ideal weight of a helmet should be 1200 grams to 1350 grams. If the helmet is heavy, it will not necessarily protect the head better. A heavy helmet will definitely cause pain in the neck and head.
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