NEW DELHI: As per the statement released by the Union Health Ministry on Wednesday, the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB PM-JAY), billed as the largest health programme in the world, has logged an impressive 5 crore hospital admissions, totaling a financial commitment of 61,501 crore.
About 12 crore families benefit from the National Health Authority (NHA)-managed programme, which provides yearly health coverage of 5 lakh rupees per family and access to secondary and tertiary care hospitalisation.
"AB PM-JAY was set up with the aim of reducing medical out-of-pocket costs for economically underprivileged communities in India. We have witnessed a number of significant successes for PM-JAY in its fifth year of operation', the NHA CEO stated. "2022–23 has been a year of remarkable progress, from issuing 9.28 crore Ayushman Cards, fully utilising allocated funds, to authorising 1.65 crore hospital admissions."
The scheme is currently running in 33 of India's states and union territories, with the exceptions of West Bengal, Delhi, and Odisha. An astonishing 23.39 crore recipients of the Ayushman Cards, which give them access to free medical care under the programme, have already got them.
12,824 private hospitals are among the 28,351 empanelled hospitals in the PM-JAY network. According to the research, private hospitals authorised 56% of all admissions overall, whereas public hospitals approved 44% of those same admissions during the fiscal year 2022–2023.
One of the main objectives of the programme has been to ensure gender equality in access to healthcare. Women make up roughly 49% of Ayushman Card holders and more over 48% of all authorised hospital admissions. Additionally, the programme has designated approximately 141 medical procedures for women only," the statement stated.
About AB PM-JAY: Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB PM-JAY) is a flagship health insurance scheme launched by the Government of India. It is a part of the larger Ayushman Bharat program, which aims to provide accessible and affordable healthcare to the economically vulnerable sections of society.
AB PM-JAY is considered to be the world's largest health insurance scheme, covering over 50 crore beneficiaries across India. It provides cashless health insurance coverage of up to Rs. 5 lakhs per family per year, ensuring that families do not face financial hardships due to healthcare expenses.
The scheme covers a wide range of medical services, including hospitalization, surgeries, diagnostics, and post-hospitalization care. It aims to cover both pre-existing conditions and new illnesses. The coverage extends to both public and private hospitals, ensuring that beneficiaries have access to quality healthcare facilities.
AB PM-JAY uses technology extensively to streamline the implementation process. It operates on a paperless and cashless model, utilizing an online platform for beneficiary identification, verification, and processing of claims. This helps in reducing fraud and ensures transparency in the healthcare system.
The scheme specifically targets vulnerable sections of society, such as rural households, urban poor, and workers in the informal sector. It aims to bridge the gap in healthcare access and affordability, ultimately improving the overall health outcomes of the population.
AB PM-JAY has had a significant impact since its launch. It has provided financial protection to millions of families and has facilitated access to quality healthcare services. The scheme has not only improved health outcomes but also contributed to poverty alleviation by reducing the burden of healthcare expenses.
Overall, Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB PM-JAY) is a crucial step towards achieving universal health coverage in India. It focuses on ensuring that healthcare is accessible and affordable for all, especially those who are most vulnerable, and plays a vital role in building a healthier and more equitable society.