Bangladesh speeds up the efforts to punish human traffickers
Bangladesh speeds up the efforts to punish human traffickers

Bangladesh speeds up the efforts to bring human traffickers to justice, the Bangladeshi law minister said on Tuesday. A special court has been set up to clear a backlog of cases secured its first conviction. In an effort to improve the low conviction rate, Bangladesh had established seven tribunals nationwide in March to deal with thousands of trafficking cases, most of which have been pending for years. 

In the first verdict delivered by the tribunal in Dhaka, a woman was found guilty last week of kidnapping her neighbour's baby and selling the girl to a trafficking group. Sathi Akter, 27, was jailed for 10 years and fined 20,000 taka ($230). "By establishing these anti-trafficking tribunals, we have let people know of our intention, that this is one of our priority issues ... we have expedited the cases," Law Minister Anisul Huq told a news agency Foundation by telephone. 

"We want to quickly dispose them and set an example to the world," he added. "The trial of the first case and judgement shows our eagerness to deal with these problems quickly." The  government data shows at least 4,000 cases are pending investigation or prosecution under a 2012 law that criminalised trafficking. The conviction rate under the law stands at 1.7%, as per the annual U.S. flagship report on trafficking. Bangladesh is one of the world's top exporters of labour. Most people depends on money sent home from about 700,000 people who go abroad to work each year. 

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