beauty obsession that works as anti ageing & dandruff defying ingredient
beauty obsession that works as anti ageing & dandruff defying ingredient

Doesn’t your skin and hair deserve the very best?

Always the ones to pick up an ingredient and extract its benefits to the maximum the results turn out to be nothing but sure-fire. So, when K-beauty gives you something with open arms, accept it as a blessing in disguise, and treat all your skin and hair concerns from the root. Taking fabled trends like dolphin skin, skip-care, mirror skin, and many others, it has mustered a fan base of its own for it offers incredible tried and tested benefits. ‘Ginseng’ is another plant-based root that’s trusted for centuries in Chinese medicine and has slowly sprouted up in beauty products in the form of face masks and shampoos. 

If you’re a tea fanatic, you would have heard volumes about ginseng’s power in alleviating common cold and improving the functioning of the immune system. The signs of ageing introduce us all to wrinkles, age spots, and loss of skin elasticity, here’s when the antioxidant fleshy root can paint a youthful picture for you by smoothing out fine lines, fading age spots, and neutralizing free radicals. 

Powered with anti-inflammatory agents, it aids in busting acne and soothing inflamed skin. If dull skin is a major worry, ginseng is enriched with vitamins, saponins, and pectin to help enhance the skin’s glow. Does this revered root take care of your skin alone? 

Ginseng plays a key role in strengthening hair follicles that can in turn stimulate hair growth, prevent hair loss and breakage. The Saponins are boastful of anti-bacterial agents that can combat and reduce flakes from popping up. Sounds like the best bet, right? Begin the hunt for ginseng now! 


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