Belize's COVID-19 response initiative receives USD6.2-mn from World Bank
Belize's COVID-19 response initiative receives USD6.2-mn from World Bank

The World Bank has authorized USD 6.2 million in funding for the Belize COVID-19 Response Project, which will help the country acquire and administer COVID-19 vaccines.

The project will concentrate on speeding up immunization efforts, particularly the acquisition of vaccines suitable for children. The funding will also go toward a public awareness campaign to boost vaccine uptake, better vaccine distribution to remote areas and indigenous populations, and speed up the modernisation of Belize's health-care system, including expanding vaccination data digitization. Additionally, project funding will help with the purchase of medical equipment and supplies to help with COVID-19 case management.

"Belize's government responded quickly, decisively, and admirably to the pandemic. COVID-19, like the rest of the region, continues to pose socioeconomic hazards and put lives in jeopardy. Belize has made great progress in vaccinating its citizens, and we are glad to be a part of its efforts to obtain additional vaccinations and tackle vaccine hesitancy as quickly as possible "World Bank Country Director for the Caribbean, Lilia Burunciuc, stated. "The World Bank's assistance will also help the country develop its health system in preparation for the pandemic and improve healthcare for all inhabitants."

A survey will be conducted as part of the study to better understand the reasons behind vaccine apprehension in Belize. This data will aid the government in developing more effective outreach efforts that target vulnerable groups, alleviate fears, increase access to reliable information, and combat disinformation.

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