Benefits of having KIWI Fruit in Weight Loss leads other multiple health benefits
Benefits of having KIWI Fruit in Weight Loss leads other multiple health benefits

Nutritional breakdown of Kiwi fruit

Every time you consume a standard-sized Kiwi-fruit that weighs about 177grams you get 108 calories, 25 grams of carbohydrate, 5 grams of dietary fiber, 2 grams of protein, about 133 mgs of vitamin C, 5 mgs of sodium and 16 grams of sugar. Plus, it is also a rich source of iron, calcium, vitamin E and other vital nutrients. No wonder that it is considered to be one of the most potent ‘super-fruits’ for your overall wellbeing. Here’s moving on to the manifold health benefits of kiwifruits-

It promotes better digestions with enzymes

Kiwifruits come with actinidain, which is an enzyme that dissolves protein and aid in digesting meals. It works similar to what bromelain in pineapple or papain in papaya does.

It controls your blood pressure

Kiwi is rich in potassium, which means that it can balance your electrolytes. It does this function by balancing the effects of sodium in body.

It promotes immunity

Kiwifruits are rich in Vitamin C, as well as other potent antioxidant compounds that boost our immunity.

Promotes digestion

The high content of fiber in Kiwifruits helps to prevent several intestinal issues, such as constipation.

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Good for your heart health

Studies show that regular consumption of 2-3 servings of kiwi can decrease the chance of blood clotting by about 18%. Thus, doctors often suggest this fruit as a zero-side effect substitute to aspirin, which is often used to reduce blood clotting. It can also decrease the levels of triglycerides by about 15%.

It is safe for diabetics

Kiwifruits rank low in the glycemic index, which means that these fruits do not raise blood sugar. Plus, having glycemic load of 4 makes these fruits absolutely safe for those suffering from high blood sugar.

Maintains alkaline balance better

Kiwi is a highly alkaline fruit, meaning it has enough nutrients to balance and manage the potential harmful effects that are caused by the consumption of excessive acidic foods. Pursuing an alkaline diet is ‘in’ among health conscious people, as such a diet plan can make you more energetic, less prone to catch cold, manage arthritis, reduce signs of osteoporosis, sleep better and enjoy flawless skin.

Shields against macular degeneration

According to a study, which is published in the Archives of Ophthalmology, consumption of at least 3 servings of Kiwi every day might reduce the chance of developing age-related macular degeneration, or ARMD. It is often considered to be one of the major causes of impaired vision in aged people.

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