Making love will make you healthier !
Making love will make you healthier !

Relations are the unique part of our life. Obviously we have different feeling and emotions for our loved ones. If you both have healthy relationship and you are satisfied with the intimacy than you are healthy than to those who don’t make love and are always unsatisfied with their loved ones how ????

Here are some benefits of intimacy which will make you more happy if you are in a good relationship:

1. Deeper connection with your partner will make you feel happy and improve your affection with your partner. When you intimate chemicals like oxytocin released which will make you to feel close to your partner.

2. Feel good hormones released during intimacy will make you feel good and reduces you stress level, which will further help in problems like insomnia.

3. You happy intimacy will improve your immune system. We know very well that our immune system protects us from diseases and this will help you to boost your immunity.

4. Balances you over or under eating problems. This problem arises when specially you are stressed or depressed but this physical intimacy do not only reduce your stress levels but also prevent from over and under eating problems.

5. It helps in formation of new brain cells and improving your confidence and ability to voice your needs which you usually hide from your partner.

But, to make love, couple needs to build trust for their parteners as well as if insecurity comes in between any relation, the chances of failure will increase.

Building Trust in Relationships!!!

Ways to overcome insecurity and jealousy in a relationship!!!

7 ideas that will make your relationship healthy and strong... !

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