These 6 places in India are best beach holiday destinations
These 6 places in India are best beach holiday destinations

These are some of the best places you can visit for your summer holidays.

1. Gokarna, Karnataka
It is very close to Goa. The serene beach will be found just 200 kilometres from Goa. The famous Mahabaleshwar temple here, as well as a beautiful beach like a painting, make this place very special. There will not be much crowd here, so you can experience peace. To get to the same place, a flight to Goa can be taken and after that one can come here by bus or train. Om Beach, Paradise Beach, Half-Moon Beach are all very popular here. There will not be any crowds selling goods here and this place is also cheap. If you want to experience peace, then visit this place.

2. Ganapatipule, Maharashtra
You may not have heard its name, but this city situated on Maharashtra and Konkan border is small and beautiful. There are red sand beaches. It falls on the way to Ratnagiri. The famous Jaigad Fort, 35 km from this city, is where people go for trekking etc. There is also a famous Ganesh temple here where many people come for Lord Ganesha's Aarti. It is believed that the idol of Ganesh here emerged from the ground on its own.

3. Marari, Kerala
Kerala is a very beautiful state anyway. Apart from this, this state attracts tourists from all over the world. Often people visit places like Munnar, but there is also a hidden tourist destination Marari. It is in Alappi district, along with this city is surrounded by beauty from all around. Visit here and experience peace. It is not that if it is a small city, there will not be good resorts here. There is a good arrangement to stay and eat here.

4. Kovalam, Kerala
Kovalam is another city in Kerala. This is a great holiday destination. This is actually a fishermen's village, but for some years tourists have been visiting here. Here the famous Eve and Lighthouse beach can be a perfect tourist spot to be photographed and to enjoy the sea in peace. The beautiful coconut trees and the clean beach will be very nice on the beach here.

5. Puducherry
Puducherry is not less than anyone. This place is very good for meditation and relaxation. It is very famous for French connections in India and you will still get a glimpse of French architecture. While here, Sri Aurobindo Ashram is very famous and people come from far and wide to seek peace. Many water sports can be done here. Apart from this, camping and sunbathing are also arranged on the beach here.

6. Mahabalipuram, Chennai
Clean, beautiful and quiet beach, many restaurants that make fresh food, both wedge-non-veg options. Holiday in Mahabalipuram can be quite interesting. There are many temples and tourist places here. The stone of the 7th century Mahabharata is also present here. This city is also very quiet and if you have a love for literature, culture and the sea, then this is the place where it will be very pleasant for you to visit.

This is the best place to visit in summer in India

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