Some Words That Change Your Life
Some Words That Change Your Life



Faith in heart

Faith is in your heart,
For getting that one perfect start,
It is all because of hope,
There will be the right scope,
If faith is in your heart,
Nothing can ever go wrong,
Nothing can ever go apart,
So, keep the hope high,
And, you will get answers to why,
Being faith in your heart!



 If faith is that strong

If faith is strong, you will find a way,
It makes a difference in a day
If faith is strong, you can get where you want
Faith makes a difference in life,
It helps you to give a reason
It helps you to survive
Have that faith strong!


 In that light of life

Faith is that light,
This lights up the dark in life,
Faith is a light, which covers all the things,
If your faith is strong
You can achieve it all
Its like looking ahead and standing tall
Have that faith going!



 Your faith should be strong

Arise in your faith,
And, you would see a change,
It won't feel bad or strange
Because you know that you are true,
Because you know that you are one in few
So keep the faith going!



 If you have that in you

If you have the faith,
You will believe in things,
If your faith is strong,
You will hold on in life,
If your faith is strong,
You would have that to survive
Keep the faith going!


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