Astro Gyan: Eating stale food is bad for life, Know reason
Astro Gyan: Eating stale food is bad for life, Know reason

Stale food is ghost food. We have all heard this thing many times, still keep the dough in the freeze, so if you keep the dough in the freeze, the dear one can come to your home. It has been said in the scriptures: - It is said that stale food is ghost food and the person consuming it is surrounded by diseases and troubles in life. Families who have this type of habit also have some kind of evil, disease-bereavement and anger and laziness. In addition, this is also the reason when ghosts seek food.

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Reason for keeping: - Dough in freeze can save your time but do you know that it invites ghosts in your house. In freeze, the dough is considered to be similar to the body which the body holds for death.

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Habit: People have habit of keeping dough in the house and ghosts start coming into the house to eat this body. After freezing, it undertakes to get satisfaction from this body.

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