“BIPOLAR DISORDER” Types and Symptoms
“BIPOLAR DISORDER” Types and Symptoms

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness marked by extreme mood swings from high to low and vice versa. Each of these extreme episodes can last hours, days, weeks, or months. The mood swings may even become mixed, so you might feel elated and depressed at the same time.

There are many different symptoms and several different types of bipolar disorders. The primary symptoms of the disorder are dramatic and unpredictable mood swings.


Bipolar I Disorder

Bipolar I disorder is referred to as manic depression. Manic depression presents differently for every individual, but the diagnosis requires a history of at least one manic episode. A manic episode involves a period in which emotions are elevated in a positive direction, often for no reason. Depression can wreak havoc on your life and even result in suicidal thoughts.

Bipolar II Disorder

Bipolar II disorder is milder in presentation than bipolar I. Individuals suffering from bipolar II will experience ups and downs but do not reach full-blown mania. Although it is difficult to deal with, bipolar II disorder can be easier to manage than bipolar I. Perhaps the most dangerous part of bipolar II disorder for many individuals is the depression, which can last for a long time. If not treated properly.


Bipolar Depression:

Feelings of emptiness





Change in appetite

Bipolar Mania:

Decreased need for sleep (you feel rested after only 3 hours of sleep)

Unusual talkativeness

Racing thoughts


Doing things that are unusual

Exaggerated high opinion of oneself.

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