British astrologer predicts eradication date of corona pandemic
British astrologer predicts eradication date of corona pandemic

London: Britain's most famous astrologer predicted the Corona epidemic a year ago. Now he also announced an important date for this pandemic and said that this date is going to prove to be an important day. Now astrologer Jessica Adams has predicted the end of the corona, saying that the epidemic will end in 2026.

Jessica Adams has also said that Corona will end in Britain next year. Surprisingly Jessica made this prediction just 1 year ago. Not only this, but she also changed her life according to this epidemic. She has halved her working hours. The upcoming programs were also canceled. Jessica has left her London home to live in Tasmania. She lives there alone. She has kept 2 dogs and a chicken with her here.

Just one year before the Corona epidemic began, Jessica also said that January 10, 2020, would be a special date. Corona's first death was recorded on the same day. However, when Jessica predicted the epidemic, many people did not listen to her. Jessica has also said that things will change 4 days before Christmas of this year.

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