By trying these anti ageing skin care tips you can delay signs of ageing…read inside
By trying these anti ageing skin care tips you can delay signs of ageing…read inside

What you must do is try what nature has to offer to delay signs of ageing. Here are some ingredients you could try using.

1) Coconut milk contains vitamin C which moisturizes and maintains the elasticity and flexibility of your skin which helps prevent wrinkles, sagging skin and age spots.

Method to use: Warm some coconut milk. Apply it on cleansed skin in circular motions. Wash off after 30 minutes.

2) Vitamin E oil is known to boost collagen production. It can also block free-radical damage which is often the main cause of the appearance of wrinkles.

Method to use :Apply Vitamin E oil regularly at night to cleansed skin.

3) Rose water is known for its skin-tightening properties. When added to any face mask, rose water gives immense benefits to your skin.

Method to use: Mix it with your face mask or face scrub. Wash with warm water.

also read Best Oily Skin Face Packs With Fruits & Vegetables to enhance your beauty…read inside

4) Papaya: The fruit has an enzyme called papain that can dissolve the dead cells on the surface of the skin and make the skin more elastic and firm.

Method to use: Mash a few pieces of papaya and apply on your face to make it supple and smooth.

5) Curd: Curd or yoghurt has lactic acid which exfoliates the dead cells of the skin and helps to rejuvenate the skin texture from within.

Method to use: You could add curd to any DIY face mask. Apply to cleansed skin. Curd can be a bit greasy. SO if you have oily skin, it is best to avoid it. Or try using it in dry weather.

also read Homemade Anti Aging Face Packs and Face Masks to Fight Aging Signs

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