Canada Labels India as Key Threat, PM Trudeau Reacts
Canada Labels India as Key Threat, PM Trudeau Reacts

A high-level Canadian parliamentary panel has identified India as the "second biggest foreign threat" to Canada's democracy, following China. This comes amidst escalating tensions between the two nations, exacerbated by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's allegations last year that Indian government agents were involved in the killing of Khalistani activist Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a claim dismissed as "absurd" by New Delhi.

NSICOP Report Insights

The National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP), comprising MPs and senators with top security clearances, released the report amid deteriorating India-Canada relations. The report suggests that some Canadian MPs may have been influenced by foreign countries, possibly acting inappropriately by communicating with foreign missions, attempting to "improperly influence" colleagues, and sharing privileged information with foreign diplomats.

China as the Primary Actor

The report, submitted to the Prime Minister's Office in May and recently tabled in Parliament with redactions, identified China as the "most prolific actor" in foreign interference. It outlined China's strategies to protect and enhance the legitimacy and stability of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), noting comprehensive efforts to target and leverage Canada’s democratic processes and institutions.

India's Rising Influence

India has "emerged as the second-most significant foreign interference threat to Canada’s democratic institutions and processes," displacing Russia, according to the report. India's interference efforts have expanded beyond countering pro-Khalistan elements in Canada, targeting Canadian politicians, ethnic media, and Indo-Canadian communities.

Other Foreign Interference

The report also highlighted interference by Pakistan in the early phase of the review period, alongside China, India, and Iran engaging in "transnational repression". It referenced Trudeau's previous statement about "credible allegations" linking Indian agents to Nijjar's killing, which occurred in Surrey, British Columbia.

Official Reactions and Allegations

Indian officials have not responded to the report. Previously, New Delhi dismissed similar allegations and accused Canadian officials of meddling in Indian affairs, asserting that Canada harbors Khalistani and other extremist elements.

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