Rising cancer cases with a rise in deaths has already exposed hollowness in the claims of health benefits of alcohol. A new research has found that even light to modern drinking has a high risk of causing cancer, followed by death due to the disease. The consumption of any kind of alcohol has got no benefits rather harmful effects, even for those who drink moderately.
So for those who keep on arguing to consume everything at a “moderate” level, let us tell you that this too comes with a warning. There is a prevalent myth among people that low or moderate alcohol consumption improves health outcomes. Since long, the health experts have suspected over the negative impacts on health caused due to moderate drinking. It becomes more severe in adults above 60 years of age.
Consumption of alcohol increases the risk of developing at least 7 types of Cancers – Mouth (Oral cavity), Throat (Pharynx), Voice box (Larynx), Esophagus, Breast (Women), Liver (Colon and Rectum).
Why is alcohol considered to be unhealthy, rather harmful? The alcohol beverages contain components like ethanol and formaldehyde which is harmful to humans. Formaldehyde is found in a significant concentration in almost all kinds of alcohol beverages, including beer, wine, spirits and other sources. Here are the many reasons of how alcohol damages the health:
DNA damage from acetaldehyde
When alcohol is metabolized in the body, the liver breaks down most of the ethanol transforming it to a toxic compound called acetaldehyde. It is a carcinogen that may cause DNA damage. The acetaldehyde reaction is short term before being broken down, still it is capable of causing significant amount of damage. The primary reason why alcohol is detrimental to our health, especially the liver is formaldehyde.
Damaged DNA leads to the cells getting out of control, causing tumors.
Oxidative stress
The alcohol induced oxidative stress is when the body facilitates ROS production, i.e. too many reactive oxygen species. At the same time, not enough of anti-oxidants. Ethanol metabolism is linked to the production of ROS. Furthermore, it alters metal levels in the body accelerating ROS production.
Oxidative stress can cause cell injury, inflammation, tissue malfunction and brain cell damage.
Heightened carcinogen absorption
First, the carcinogens dissolve in the alcohol. Then the alcohol alters the cells present in mouth and throat. Further, the carcinogens get absorbed more easily.
Hormone level changes
Alcohol consumption affects hormones in women. It raises the estrogen levels in women elevating the risk of breast cancer in women. Hormones work by informing the cells to grow and divide. The more it gets divided, the more is the problem. The increase in the estrogen levels lead to an abnormal development of breast tissue, increasing the risk of breast cancer. One daily drink will only alleviate the cancer risk, and as the intake increases, there is a high chance of facing breast cancer.
Excess body weight
An excess body weight is a risk factor for cancer. And Alcohol potentially leads to weight gain. Drinking regularly, especially hard liquor or beers provides empty calories. And the calories pile up, making you feel hungry and eat more. Obesity and alcohol have a relationship that doubles the risk factor for Cancers. Obesity also contributes to oxidative stress.
A standard drink as defined by CDC is only 1.5 ounces of liquor, 5 ounces of wine or 12 ounces of beer. The current moderate drinking guidelines suggest 14 grams or 1 drink per day for females and 28 grams or 2 drinks per day for the males. Individuals who consume not more than 10gms of alcohol per day are less exposed to alcohol-related mortality risks.
A moderation, however much it is recommended shall never be the solution. Moderate drinking cannot be called safe, owing to the connection between alcohol and cancer. The alcohol drinks come along with the warning label, quite similar to the ones on cigarette packs; stressing upon its role in cancer development. Breast, throat, mouth, colon…alcohol can cause the harm anywhere. Beware, the next time you boast about drinking alcohol moderately, it has got the damage in the long run. Stick to the standards prescribed, do not be fooled when it comes to wine and beer. ‘Moderate’ comes with a warning, so be wise and choose accordingly.