Know who can become drug inspectors?
Know who can become drug inspectors?

A lot of students want to take a variety of courses to go to the paramedical field. The bachelor of pharmacy course can be very helpful for such students. After this course, you can not only become a pharmacist but also pursue a great career as a drug inspector. The drug inspector plays an important role in the medical field. There are good job prospects in this field, both in the private and government sectors.

Here is educational qualification:-
In order to become a drug inspector, the candidate must first pass 12th from physics, chemistry and biology subjects. Thereafter, the candidate has to obtain a bachelor of pharmacy degree from a recognized university. The duration of this course is 4 years. This course can be done from any recognized government and private college. After the course, you have to do a one-year internship. Then, to become a drug inspector, you have to pass the SPSC or UPSC examination. You will be selected as a drug inspector only after passing this examination.

Here's the career scope:-
Recruitments are taken out from time to time by SPSC and UPSC for recruitment of drug inspectors. For the information of these Indian people, candidates should read newspapers continuously and keep an eye on government job portals. Whenever recruitment is out, they should apply for it immediately. The salaries of drug inspectors in this area range from Rs 44,000 to Rs 1.42 lakh under the 7th Pay Commission. In addition, all allowances are also given to the candidates. Salaries may vary from state to state.

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