This therapy gets green signal to cure every patient of corona
This therapy gets green signal to cure every patient of corona

Many scientists are working day and night to prevent corona infection. The Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO), under the protocol of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), has given approval to institutions showing interest in clinical trials of plasma therapy of coronavirus patients. ICMR invited various organizations to participate in this clinical trial.

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In a notice regarding clinical trial of convulsant plasma in Covid-19 patients regarding this matter, CDSCO stated that ICMR has given Central Drugs Standard Control Organization a list of all the institutions that have shown interest in conducting the trial.

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If its clinical trial is successful, then the blood plasma of the patients who have been cured of corona will be able to treat other patients suffering from Coronavirus. The virus present in the body is eliminated by putting the blood of the patients recovered from the infection in the blood of the new patient.

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