Follow these policies of Chanakya to become an efficient leader
Follow these policies of Chanakya to become an efficient leader

Acharya Chanakya, known for his policies has given many avenues for efficient leadership. Along with this, Acharya Chanakya, known as Vishnu Gupta and Kautilya, has given many policies to succeed in life. Let us know, what does Chanakya say for successful leadership?

> A successful leader is said to learn from his own mistakes. However, Chanakya says that a person learns from mistakes but our effort should be that we should learn from others by looking at their mistakes. It is very important for a successful leader. A person who does so achieves his goal very soon.

> According to Acharya Chanakya, it is not necessary for a leader to show too much honesty. He says that the work of cutting trees standing upright is first. In the same way, more honest people also have to suffer first. People present in the society take advantage of their dignity. This is why Chanakya says to be cautious as well as honest.

According to Chanakya for a good leader, karma theory matters a lot. Chanakya considers religious scriptures to be extremely important. He says that karma theory should never be sidelined. The fate of people is decided on the basis of their deeds. According to Chanakya, the result of bad work is also bad. Therefore, it should work according to the scriptures. They say that you should have the same nature with your people as you like for yourself.

> For a successful leader, his success depends on his secrecy. He says that a great leader should not tell all his secret things to everyone. Along with this, information about the plans made for moving forward in life should not be shared with anyone else, whether it is about home or business.

According to Chanakya, a good leader becomes one who never hesitates to learn. They say that if they get a chance to learn from the enemy too, then they should not leave. Whereas success is the key to continuing learning.

> A better leader is the one who does not give up his goodness. With this, according to Chanakya, goodness is greatly appreciated. He says that under no circumstances should the path of goodness be left out. Never in life should you give such a reason that because of helplessness, chose the wrong path. Along with this, distance should also be made from people walking on wrong paths.

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