This is how the difference between Sabza seed and Chia seed makes you lose weight
This is how the difference between Sabza seed and Chia seed makes you lose weight

If you are on weight loss diet then you must have heard about Chia seed or Sabza seed. With this, you can lose weight. All nutritionists recommend eating it because these two seeds keep your hunger cool for a long time, which helps you to lose weight a lot. Let me tell you, both seeds look exactly alike and many people are not able to differentiate them properly. If you are confused about this too, then tell you the difference.

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Origin: Sabza seed is found especially in India and Mediterranean areas. Apart from having many medicinal properties in them, it is also used to garnish many beverages.
Chia seeds are found more in North and South America and they are used more in salads.

Methods of eating: Before using Sabja, it has to be soaked in water for a few hours, only then you can use it in syrup, dessert or milkshake. Whereas you can sprinkle chia seed directly in salads, yogurt, and pudding. You can also soak them and eat them.

Color: Sabza seeds are black in color while chia seeds can also be brown, white and black. Both seeds are similar in size but after soaking the Sabja seeds quickly soak up water and their size is also larger than that of the soaked Chia seeds.

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Sabza Seed: Sabza Seed cleans your arteries which reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. These not only make your digestive system better, but they also control the body temperature.

Chia seed: Consumption of chia seed reduces triglyceride level in the body, which is very beneficial for your heart health. By taking them regularly, both your body's blood pressure and blood sugar level are controlled.

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