China hits out at the United States over Afghanistan withdrawal
China hits out at the United States over Afghanistan withdrawal

Hitting out at the United States for its withdrawal from Afghanistan, China on Tuesday held up America's chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan as an example of Washington's "selfish" foreign policy, hitting back at Vice President Kamala Harris's accusations of intimidation in Asian waters. It said that the US had used the rhetoric of a rules-based global order to defend its own "bullying, hegemonic behaviour", according to reports.

China's foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin snapped back, accusing the US of hiding behind rhetoric of a rules-based global order to defend its own "bullying, hegemonic behaviour". "The US can wantonly conduct military intervention in a sovereign country and does not need to be responsible for the suffering of the people in that country," Wang Wenbin said in a press briefing. "The US can arbitrarily smear, suppress, coerce and bully other countries without paying any price," he added.

China has called at the meeting of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva for the US, UK, and other countries to "be held accountable for the violation of human rights committed by their military in Afghanistan". However, US President Joe Biden, in a press briefing last week had defended the move to pull out troops from Afghanistan. Biden had said that he stands squarely behind the US exit from Afghanistan.

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