China responds to shocking news Report on Nord Stream
China responds to shocking news Report on Nord Stream

Beijing: Following the publication of journalist Seymour Hersh's report, which claimed that the US was behind the September 2022 attack on the Nord Stream gas pipelines, a spokeswoman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry stated on Friday that Washington owed the entire world an explanation.

In response to a query from Dragon TV, Mao Ning stated, "We have noted the reports. The two Nord Stream pipelines, she continued, were "vital transnational infrastructure," and their destruction had a negative impact on both the economy and the environment.

If Hersh is telling the truth, then what he said is obviously unacceptable and requires an explanation. The US has an obligation to the world, according to Mao.

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The "free, professional, and impartial" US outlets barely covered Hersh's report, according to a follow-up query from the Beijing Youth Daily. Mao answered:

The Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Hersh released a report on Wednesday titled "How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline." Using a "source with direct knowledge of the operational planning" of the attack on the German-Russian pipelines, he claimed to have this information.

He asserts that the US planted a bomb during the BALTOPS 22 NATO exercises, and Norway dropped a sonar buoy from a military aircraft to set the bomb off.

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When asked about Hersh's report on Thursday, US Department of State spokesman Ned Price referred to it as "utter and complete nonsense" and said that he did not want to see it "aired in the briefing room."

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"The Bundestag has a right to know what the federal government knows," said the AfD party's official Twitter account, citing parliamentary group leader Tino Chrupalla. Germany, which co-financed the construction of the Nord Stream pipelines, demanded a discussion on the article and its claims in the nation's parliament on Friday.

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