Angry China threatens America to retaliate
Angry China threatens America to retaliate

Earlier, due to the corona coming from Wuhan, China, there has been a situation of differences between America and China. Due to which the situation between America and China has become quite bad. China has become very badly stung by the ban imposed by the US on three Chinese politicians. Angry with this, China has threatened to retaliate America. On this action of the US, China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said that American action is a serious interference in China's affairs. This will have a profound impact on bilateral relations. The US has banned all three for violating the human rights of Uygur Muslims, Kazakhs, and other ethnic minorities in Muslim-dominated Xinjiang province. These officials associated with the ruling Communist Party of China include Chen Kuang, Zhu Hyunun and Wang Mingshan.

Meanwhile, after the ban, these officers and their family members will no longer be able to enter the US. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in his statement that the United States is taking strict action against human rights violations in China's Xinjiang province. Foreign Minister Ponpio told that along with Chen, Zhu, and Wang, their families and many other officials of the Communist Party have also banned coming to America. In recent months, the Trump administration has adopted a strict attitude towards China over the Corona epidemic and the detention of Uigars and other minority communities, including Hong Kong.

China is also a member of the influential Politburo of China. On this, the chain banned by the US is the highest-ranking Chinese official so far. Restrictions on Chinese authorities have been imposed under the Global Magnitsky Act of America. Under this law, the US government takes strict action against those who violate human rights worldwide. After the ban on such people, their entry into America and business with them is banned. In America, their property is also confiscated. In addition to Chen, Zhu Hailun, deputy secretary of the People's Congress of Xinjiang's legislative body, and Wang Mingshan, director of Xinjiang's Public Security Bureau, have also been banned.

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