Christmas 2019: Gift, significance and all you need to know
Christmas 2019: Gift, significance and all you need to know

Christmas is celebrated by all Christians and nowadays many non-Christians also celebrate with great pomp. The exchange of gifts, salmon decorations and fun during the holiday has become a major economic activity during Christmas and is a major event for most retailers.

There is a difference of 13 days in the Julian calendar and the Gregorian calendar

It is celebrated on 25 December in most countries around the world. Celebrations begin in Germany and some other countries on Christmas Eve i.e. 24 December. In Britain and other Commonwealth countries, the next day before Christmas, that is 26 December, is celebrated as Boxing Day. In some Catholic countries it is also called St. Stephens Day or Feast of St. Stephens. The Armenian Apostolic Church celebrates Christmas on 6 January. The Eastern traditional church that observes the Julian calendar celebrates Christmas on 25 December according to the Julian Verces, which is the 7th of January in the more up-to-date Gregorian calendar because both of these calendars There is a difference of 13 days.

Santa claus
Children know Santa Claus. Especially children are waiting for them on this day. Saint Nicholas was born in Myra 280 years after the death of Jesus in the third century. Nicole had faith in Lord Jesus only after the parents' death in childhood. After growing up Nicholas devoted his life to God. He became a clergyman then bishop, he loved helping people. He used to give gifts to poor children and people at Ardhratri.

Christmas tree
When the god Jesus was born, all the gods came to see him and congratulate his parents. Evergreen fur tree is decorated on every Christmas day from that day till today and it is called Christmas tree. The first person to start decorating the Christmas tree was an English evangelist named Bonifence Tuyo. It first began in Germany between the tenth century.

Tradition of giving cards
The world's first Christmas card was sent by William Angle in 1842. To make my family happy. The card had a picture of a member of a royal family. After this, as the process started, giving cards to each other on the occasion of Christmas, and this led to a mismatch between people.

Actually, there is an interesting big story behind it. Before the fourth century in the world, Christian communities did not celebrate this day as a festival. However, after the fourth century, on this day the main festival of Christians began to be celebrated. It is said that in Europe, people of non-Christian community used to celebrate the festival on the occasion of the sun's Uttarayan. On this day, the joy of returning from the long journey of the sun is celebrated, that is why it is also called the big day.

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