Cold wave to increase for 3 days, 7 special ways to avoid it
Cold wave to increase for 3 days, 7 special ways to avoid it

The Meteorological Department has warned of heavy cold wave  in the next few days. The Met department has said that dense fog  and cold wave conditions will prevail over most parts of north India for the next three days. Snow is also expected in hilly states. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you the problems caused by cold wave and measures to avoid it.

Cold wave conditions - Cold wave can lead to cold, cold, flu, nasal water, nose bleeds. In addition, the hands and feet may vibrate. Also the fingers of the hand may become numb.

How to avoid cold wave - * Do not get out as far as possible. If you want to get out, cover the body completely with a warm cloth. Most importantly, cover the throat, ears, hands and feet completely. Don't go out without wearing a mask.
* If there is a cold, consume hot water, lemon tea, black tea, etc. Do not take anti-virik medicines in cold and cough.
* If you drink less water in winter, do not make such a mistake, but the body needs water even in winter. So drink enough water.
* Increase vitamin C intake in winter. Boost immunity As immunity remains boosted, the effect of cold will also be reduced. Consume oranges, lemons, seasonal, amla, etc.
* Use moisture to protect the skin in cold wave. Use cream, lotion or oil.
* Do not do alcohol to avoid cold wave.
* If your hands and feet get too cold during cold, keep it in lukewarm water instead of rubbing it.

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