Corona: 263 students from Italy returned to India, sent directly from the airport to this place
Corona: 263 students from Italy returned to India, sent directly from the airport to this place

China has controlled coronavirus to a great extent. There are very few new cases coming out there. At the same time, this number increased to 315 with several new cases of Corona virus infection in India. The Union Health Ministry gave this information. Corona virus cases rose to 27 in Delhi. At the same time, in the fight against Corona, the public curfew is in force from seven on Sunday morning.

Air India special aircraft has reached India with 263 Indian students from Italy most affected by Corona virus as compared to other countries. The special flight of Air India landed at Delhi Airport at 9.15 am today. After thermal screening and immigration at the airport, all the students will be sent to the quarantine facility at ITBP Chawla Camp.

For your information, let us tell you that 1600 Indians have been returned from other countries so far. Health Secretary Luv Agarwal said that we have served about 1700 people including about 1600 Indians and citizens of other countries in our quarantine center. Today, 262 passengers will leave Rome and return to the country. Most of them are students, we will keep them in our quarantine center.

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