Remodeling of Old House Bathroom Reveals Astonishing Finds, Leaving Couple Stunned
Remodeling of Old House Bathroom Reveals Astonishing Finds, Leaving Couple Stunned

A shocking incident recently emerged from Minneapolis, USA, where a couple discovered something astonishing during the remodeling of their bathroom. Matt and Carrie Tesmer found several items behind the wall of their bathroom, including medication containers, glycerin, rosewater, razor blades, and some Minneapolis-made bathroom fixtures that had been discontinued long ago.

In addition to these findings, they also stumbled upon love letters addressed to two different girls, Hazel and Pauline, all written by a single boy named John B, also known as Lolly. Both letters expressed John B's declaration of love and invited the recipients to a dance night. Carrie Tesmer told WCCO-TV, "Upon reading both letters, we realized that the writer was likely a child between the ages of 13 and 18."

The couple stated that they haven't been able to locate John B yet. However, the original homeowner, John Pavlo, lived in the house with his family from the 1920s to the 1950s and had a son named John as well. Carrie Tesmer said, "John Joseph Pavlo would have been around 17 years old when he lived in this house with his family."

Another John could be John Buck, born in the 1930s, who might have been grown up by the 1960s when he moved into the house. The Tesmers also found some old homework belonging to John Buck in the attic.

Carrie Tesmer said, "I'd like to know the story behind this and why the letters weren't sent, and how they ended up on our bathroom wall." Such discoveries are not uncommon in old houses. Similarly, some time ago, a contractor involved in remodeling a house in Washington was taken aback when he found a box hidden in the wall after removing a bathtub. The contents of the box stunned him as he discovered a hand grenade inside.

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