So far, the coronavirus has killed 134636 people worldwide. The number of people infected with it reached over 20 lakh on Wednesday. According to the Info, by 9 am on April 16, 2020, the total number of cases worldwide has reached 2083326. Apart from this, 510350 patients have been cured all over the world so far. In December 2019, when its first case came to light in Wuhan, China, since then, this virus has spread rapidly in the whole world. Today 214 countries of the world are struggling with this, while 166 countries have lost their lives due to this. The World Health Organization declared it a global pandemic on 11 March 2020.
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From the first case of this virus, it took 93 days for the number of its patients to reach 1 million. But within the next 13 days, the number of these patients had crossed 20 lakhs in the whole world. This figure is also shocking because within these 1 days, more than one million people have been affected by this virus in the world.
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This has happened when the whole world has implemented lockdown on its own for a long time. All 50 states of the US have a lockdown. Lockdown is also applicable in European countries. Lockdown is currently in effect in most countries of Asia. Roads are deserted, market shopping mall, cinema, office everything is closed. Even after this, infecting more than 10 lakh people of Coronavirus in just 13 days is a matter of concern in itself. Reuters quoted John Hopkins University as saying that at 10:45 pm on April 15, the number of patients infected with the virus was 2016020 worldwide. 130528 people died due to this.
Now corona test will be done in a new way! Accurate report will be available in a short time