These 5 types of dance Forms are most effective in weight loss
These 5 types of dance Forms are most effective in weight loss

Today is International Dance Day. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you about those dances which should be included in the daily routine for weight loss. Let me tell you about these dances.

Zumba: You can try the Zumba dance form to lose weight. Actually, it is a mix dance of Salsa and Merangyu, which focuses on the whole body. If you do it regularly for 30 to 60 minutes, body fat can decrease rapidly.

Salsa: You can do this dance form with your partner or a friend who wants to lose weight. Actually it is a Latin American dance form, which helps to burn maximum calories. Let me tell you that salsa is to move, bend, bend and move around, which makes your body flexible. In such a situation, if you do it the right way even for an hour, it can help to burn about 420 calories.

Freestyle Dance: In this dance form, no special step, physical movement has to be followed. In fact, freestyle dance is mostly done on fast beat music. Along with this, this dance form makes your body flexible and helps to reduce more calories in faster quantities. In such a situation, if you do freestyle dance for 30 minutes, you burn about 180 calories.

Belly dance: It's hard dance, which just seems easy to see. In this, the music and the torso on the beat has to be shaken on the beats. Doing about 30 minutes of belly dancing every day can help burn 300 calories.  

Hip hop: A very intensive routine that focuses on the hips and waist. It reduces the fat accumulated around the waist and hips. Hip Hop Dance is a street style dance form. Even if you do this for 30 minutes, it can help to burn about 300 calories.

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