Death anniversary: 9 Oops photographs of Jawaharlal Nehru
Death anniversary: 9 Oops photographs of Jawaharlal Nehru

Apart from just the constructed mindset to make india a morden , free, sovreign, secure and secular nation, Jawaharlala nehru was an outgoing, charming, influening and hot shot man of his time.

He was a women’s man ! Always seen around with girls around him . Showing off how bad ass he is!

Well there are some photographs which stay hidden but I guess now it’s time to unleash them and let the world know that their dearest chacha nehru was a fun lover and he’s giving us goals to live our life the same way.

The pictures are just fine, but I can guarantee that you’ll not miss this oppurtunity to put your nose into his personal life.


1.This man totally loved the idea of adventure! This man is seen riding nothing but a yak in Bhutan. Incredibly notorious?

2.Panditji was seen flirting with his favorite Eswina mountbatten

3. Wanna smoke? Enjoy my company bro! I’m a rocking person. Let’s get high.

4.He was a girl’s man, I mean look at this, he never had to make any effort!

5.And then the list doesn’t end

6.Hey! Yo . I’m the next prince, see some of my skills..

7. And this one is my personal favorite.. I mean look at the amazing fashion sense All ready to get in the water with the swimwear. “oh! Crap I forgot my ‘topi’.. ahaan here it is!”

8.And always in their company

9. So what ? even I can break rules (and keep some proofs) 

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