TPDDL indicates Delhi may sink in darkness,
TPDDL indicates Delhi may sink in darkness,

New Delhi: There may be a problem of electricity in Delhi in the coming days. Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited (TPDDL) has indicated this. Let us tell you that TPDDL supplies electricity to about 18 lakh consumers of North and North-West Delhi. In fact, the Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (DERC) has announced electricity tariffs in Delhi for 2020-21 and has not revised the rates in view of Corona.

TPDDL has expressed disappointment over this. A spokesperson of TPDDL said on Saturday that economic pressure on electricity distribution companies (discoms) would increase significantly due to no increase in the current electricity rates. This will also adversely affect the power supply of discoms in Delhi round the clock. It is noteworthy that no increase in electricity rates has been made for domestic consumers in Delhi. However, the pension trust surcharge has been increased. In this way the surcharge has been increased from 3.80% to 5%. Consumers' bills will be slightly higher than before this increase.

Earlier on Friday, Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal congratulated the people of the state for not increasing the electricity rates. He wrote in tweeting that 'Congratulations to the people of Delhi. On the one hand, where electricity rates are increasing year after year across the country, for the sixth consecutive year in Delhi, electricity rates were not increased and in some areas, rates were also reduced. It is historical. This is happening because you formed an honest government in Delhi.

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