It seems that the demonetization has seriously affected the proceedings of the bank where not only it has dismissed any possibilities of clearance and clarity by creating complications but it has also created a damage of Bank economy in vital role thus it has created multiple accidences in the context of the Banks and their daily use policies.
The bank associations and certain another group organisations are not happy with what has happened in the case of the demonetization but they seem helpless as they are not left by any option by the present Central Bank's followed-up tactics and its support by the government. It has now been decided by the All Indian Bank Officers Confederation that it is necessary to look after that how the demonetization has made an impact in the context of the fact and proceedings in the Bank system and order either in the context of the damage or in the context of the growth hardly to witness indeed. It would be interesting to know however that how the association deals with the superlative challenge of policy to secure Bank officials, though.
The AIBOC has not only decided to write application to RBI to view policy at the nationwide calendar, but it has decided to make the analyses of bank vies and city vies proceedings at large scale due to the organised volunteer manner of such certain employees who are not satisfied by the results of the demonetization as it has been suggested that around 3,000 core’s RS in form of bank economy has totally damaged as insecure analyses for implementation of
Demonetisation indeed. All in all, this is a good and healthy move to look how the officials have been facing a crisis in the level of order and system as demonetization is hitting the core, But let's hope that it would be done in an organised facility, Till then we hope that the government in a nation, a level may at least think of their officials before launching any new mode of moves in the context of the demonetization, though.
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