Dermarolling: best skin care can do at home; know detail inside
Dermarolling: best skin care can do at home; know detail inside

One of 2018’s upcoming trends is dermarolling. While this seems a bit risky and odd initially (remember Kim Kardashian’s selfie a few years ago with blood slathered over her face?), there’s more to this skincare technique than meets the eye. Let’s break it down for you. The dermaroller is a device that resembles a small wheel with a handle that contains tiny needles on its surface to gently prick the face. This is the ultimate micro-needling device, which creates very tiny wounds or openings on the skin, which further stimulate elastin and collagen production to compensate. You also grow newer, fresher, suppler skin. The typical needle size should be 0.1mm to 0.2mm.

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What are the benefits of dermarolling? Dermarolling is great for anyone who wants to do away with skin blemishes like acne and scars, as well as uneven skin tone. Because of the elastin and collagen production, it is also great for someone who wants to tighten their skin. It opens out and unclogs the pores as well. Start doing it once a week, and work your way up to thrice a week if you’re using a very tiny needle. For thicker needles, stick to once a week. You will need to keep at it continuously for two months to see visible benefits, and then continue using it to maintain that even, supple skin.

How does it work and can you do it at home? Use the dermaroller horizontally over the forehead area, then the cheeks, then the chin. Then go vertically up and down, starting from the left-hand side of your face to the right. Finally, you can go diagonally across the face to finish up. Needless to say, avoid the eyes and the delicate area around it. For a first-timer, it’s best to go to a qualified professional therapist for help, until you have gauged your threshold for the therapy as well as got the hang of it. However, make sure you purchase your own dermaroller and take it with you. This is not ideal to be a shared device.

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