Last November, actors Dhanush and Nayanthara engaged in a public spat taking the Internet by storm. Dhanush had issued a copyright notice against Nayanthara and the makers of her Netflix Documentary film ‘Nayanthara: Beyond the fairytale’ for using a 3-second clip in the film without his permission. Netlfix India had then filed a petition against Dhanush in the Madras High Court to dismiss his copyright suit.
On Tuesday, the Madras HC rejected Netflix India’s petition for the case dismissal. Dhanush had filed the copyright suit against Nayanthara and her husband Vignesh Shivan for using the clip from the film Naanum Rowdy Dhaan that was produced by Dhanush’s Wunderbar films, claiming being used without seeking his prior permission.
Earlier, Dhanush had warned Nayanthara, Vignesh and the makers of the documentary to remove the clip used in the documentary within 24 hours, otherwise he would be moving to the court if they failed to comply with it.
After Dhanush had filed the lawsuit, Nayanthara had penned an open note on November 16 that she posted on Instagram, calling that the actor had hit ‘an all- time low’. She wrote, “I wish you were half the person you portray to be on stage in audio launches in front of your innocent fans but clearly you do not participate what you preach, at least not for me and my partner.”
Nayanthara had also accused the Dhanush for demanding 10 crores for using the clip in her documentary. Stating ahead that the 3 second footage taken in the documentary were only taken from their personal devices and only consist of BTS visuals publicly available on social media platforms. Nayanthara had thanked Shah Rukh Khan and other producers for letting her use the clips from their films, granting her No objection certificate without any delay.
She further added in the note, “It’s almost been 10 years since the release of the film and it is a long time for someone to continue to be this vile while wearing a mask in front of the world. I have not forgotten all the horrible things you said about the film that was one of your biggest hits as a producer and a film that is loved by all even today. The words you said pre-release have left some unhealable scars to us already. I learnt through film circles that your ego was supremely hurt after the film became a blockbuster.”
Through her stories on Instagram, Nayanthara had posted, “KARMA says!! When you destroy someone’s life with lies Take it as a loan It will come back to you with interest.”
As the petition stands dismissed now, let us see what happens next. Does the spat continues further or the actors make peace anytime soon.