Know these 6 signs of diabetes found in skin
Know these 6 signs of diabetes found in skin

If the serious disease of diabetes is not controlled in time, it is difficult to save a person. According to the International Diabetes Federation, more than 42 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes. By 2045, the number of diabetes patients is expected to increase to more than 62 crores. The health expert claims that the diabetes crisis can be predicted by seeing sudden changes in human skin.

This skin problem is called necrobiosis lipoidica, in which small pimples appear on the skin. It is pimples in appearance, which after some time turn into yellow, red or brown spots. There is slight itching and pain in them. If you have such spots on your skin, then get a sugar test done in the blood. If you see deep spots near your neck, armpits, waist or any other part of the body, then these are a sign of excessive insulin in the blood. This is a major symptom of prediabetes. In medical language, it is called acanthosis nigrescent.

A fairly normal symptom has been observed in patients with diabetes, where blisters appear on the patient's skin. A large blister may also appear on the skin or they may also come out in groups at times. This type of problem is more common on the hands, wrist, feet or toes. These look like blisters after burning, but they do not cause pain at all.

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