Divyanshu Mishra Anshu organized various agitations in Katni Madhya Pradesh to demand complete ban on alcohol
Divyanshu Mishra Anshu organized various agitations in Katni Madhya Pradesh to demand complete ban on alcohol

Demand for liquor ban has been raised in Madhya Pradesh for a long time. Divyanshu Mishra, popularly known as Anshu Mishra, National Coordinator of NSUI, the student wing of the Congress, has also launched various agitations on this demand. During the discussion, Divyanshu Mishra Anshu said that liquor ban is being demanded from the BJP government of Shivraj in the state. Due to this NSUI has also organized movements in various communities continuously.

According to Media HindustanAlong with this, the Excise Officer had demanded a ban on the illegal sale of illicit liquor, which is fatal. Anshu's team, along with a large number of activists, closed the city's main liquor store. A large number of NSUI activists shouted slogans demanding liquor ban. Former Chief Minister Digvijay Singh, senior Congress leader DivyanshuAnshu, who was released on a simple bond, praised his social media handle and asked him to continue fighting for alcohol in the public interest. Divyanshu Mishra Anshu said that alcohol addiction has devastated many families. Our mission on liquor will continue continuously, today there is the condition of covid19 all over the country, but liquor shops are open. It is a shame in itself. He will take to the streets on a mission of emissions after dealing with them as soon as possible.

It is shocking that during the Corona epidemic, the school is closed, the temple is closed, but people are getting alcohol easily. Divyanshu Mishra said that provision of liquor ban should be brought in the state immediately, otherwise he will soon start a big movement.

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