Don't Forget to Pair These Foods with Yogurt During the Summer Season, Else Your Health May Deteriorate
Don't Forget to Pair These Foods with Yogurt During the Summer Season, Else Your Health May Deteriorate

"Dahi" or yogurt, a staple in many Indian households, is not just a tasty treat but also packed with numerous health benefits. It's particularly favored during the scorching summer months for its cooling properties. Rich in essential nutrients like sodium, potassium, fiber, protein, calcium, iron, and vitamin D, yogurt is often consumed with meals or as a side dish to beat the heat. However, there are certain food combinations you should avoid with yogurt to prevent potential health issues.

Avoid Yogurt with Jaggery: Combining yogurt with jaggery can lead to weight gain as both have different effects on the body. While jaggery has a warming effect, yogurt has a cooling effect. Consuming them together may result in respiratory issues like cough, cold, fever, and headaches.

Avoid Mixing Milk and Yogurt: It's advisable not to mix milk with yogurt or any other fermented product. This combination can lead to digestive issues and discomfort.

Yogurt and Tea: Yogurt and tea have opposite effects on the body's metabolism. Consuming them together may slow down your metabolism and affect your digestive system.

Yogurt and Mango: Some people enjoy mango lassi, a yogurt-based drink with mango. However, yogurt contains animal protein that can undergo fermentation in the body when combined with any fruit, potentially causing indigestion, acidity, and other digestive issues.

Yogurt and Onions: Avoid combining yogurt with dishes containing onions. Onions have a warming effect, while yogurt has a cooling effect. Consuming them together may lead to skin issues like pimples, skin irritation, and allergies.

In conclusion, while yogurt is a powerhouse of nutrients and offers various health benefits, it's essential to be mindful of what you consume it with to avoid potential adverse effects on your health.

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