Doctors negligence made 13 people blind after cataract surgery
Doctors negligence made 13 people blind after cataract surgery

HYDERABAD: Doctors of Sarojini Devi Eye Hospital run eye hospital in Hyderabad charged with the allegations that seven patients suffered loss of vision after they went through cataract surgery, police said.

The case was registered against doctors of the Hospital under IPC section 338 in Humayun Nagar Police Station Inspector S Ravinder said. The Inspector said, "The matter will also be referred to the Telangana Medical Board".

Thirteen elderly patients, including women, contracted infection in their eyes with seven of them suffering partial loss of vision after undergoing cataract surgery at the hospital last week.

However, doctors at the hospital have already ruled out any negligence on their part and claimed that the saline bottles used during the surgery were contaminated, resulting in infection in the eyes of the 13 patients, who were in the age group of 60-70.

Rajender Gupta, Deputy Superintendent at the hospital, had earlier said,nearly 21 patients underwent cataract surgery in the hospital on June 30 and 13 had developed infections in their eyes, though immediately they were taken for re-surgery and six patients responded well to the treatment.


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